Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What is the Purpose of Criminal Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is the Purpose of Criminal Laws - Essay Example he adverse mention of public order, it literally means the wellbeing of the society and interference in its normal functioning by causing chaos or violating rights and privileges of others. In this light, criminal law serves to provide for the protection of the rights of the public by banning certain events and creating guidelines for the punishment. Such events include banning of processions in a bid to protect public interests. This is particularly so for protests that are likely to end up in disorder and public unrest. The above condition puts the authorities in a position to exercise their power to preserve public peace by implementing criminal law, banning the said events (Home Office, n.d.). In protecting public order, criminal law covers sex-related crimes and substance related crimes. This division marks the different crimes that affect members of the public and the society. Of these include prostitution, deviant sex, alcoholism, liquor law violation, pornography and driving under the influence among others (Bundy, 2011). The crimes are labelled so in spite of lack of physical aggression, but due to the dehumanizing nature in them and lowered quality of life associated with them. The other role of criminal law is to deter the occurrence of crime and preventing individuals from engaging in any activities deemed to irresponsible by the society (Bundy, 2011). Criminal law deters criminal behaviour through the sanctions put in place by the laws in regard to their enforcement and other means. This is evident by the use of police statistics showing by how much the crime rates go down after the implementation of effective capture methods (Robinson $ Darley, 2004). In addition, for criminal law to work as a deterrent, there are three factors to be considered. These are the knowledge of the consequences of committing a crime, the influence of the knowledge on the choices the individual makes and the likelihood to weigh the consequences logically (Robinson $

Monday, October 28, 2019

Crisis Intervention Issues Essay Example for Free

Crisis Intervention Issues Essay Counselors and other individuals in the helping profession play an important role in times of individual crisis such as violent crimes or mass crisis such as large-scale disaster situations by facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of pyschosocial disorders among populations that have been directly or indirectly traumatized by critical events. Gladding (2008, p. 246) notes that crisis counselling often involves incidents where there is a sense of loss or grief, and is therefore aimed at helping clients to regain a sense of normalcy in order to move on with their lives. However, there are instances when counselors are adversely affected by their work with traumatized clients. Sexton (1999, p. 393) notes that counselors and therapists who are constantly exposed to â€Å"reports of trauma, horror, human cruelty, and extreme loss† become vulnerable to experiencing the â€Å"feelings of fear, pain and suffering similar to their clients† that ultimately affects their ability to provide counselling services. Among the issues that counselors face in the course of their crisis intervention efforts is the risk of countertransference and vicarious traumatization. Countertransference refers to the counselors’ tendency to either avoid empathy or to overly identify with the client as a form of defense mechanim. Avoidance reactions are often manifested through the counselor’s â€Å"denial, minimisation, distortion, counter phobic reactions, detachment and disengagement from an emphatic stance† (Ibid, p. 394). In contrast, over-identification often leads into the overinvolvement of the counselor with the client’s experiences to the point that the counselor may feel idealize the client’s experiences and feel guilt for not being able to extend more help to the client (Ibid). Consequently, countertransference often impedes the therapeutic relationship as the counselor’s fails to feel empathy for the client. Empathy is particularly important in crisis intervention as it enables the counselor to correctly assess the client situation and support the client with definitive action plans for recovery (Gladding 2008, p. 248). Without empathy, client welfare is compromised by the inability of the counselor to identify the client’s problems from the client’s perspective, which could lead to incorrect or inadequate support and action from the counselor. Meanwhile, vicarious traumatization among counselors occurs as a result of the â€Å"accumulation of experiences across many therapy situations† (Sexton 1999, p. 395). Vicarious traumatization not only impacts the counselor’s helping relationships but also extends to other areas of his or her professional and personal life. The effects of vicarious traumatization include the development of anxiety and post-traumatic syndrome disorder (PTSD) symptoms and other psychosocial disorders by the counselor. Unfortunately, majority of counselors are vulnerable to the risk of vicarious traumatization (Ibid, p. 396). Hence, those who work in the midst of large-scale crises events are clearly at a greater risk due to the scale of horror, loss, and cruelty that they are exposed to through indirect and direct experiences of their clients and themselves. Hence, the vicarious traumatization of counselors not only hinders them from functioning effectively in helping relationships but renders them unable to continue their relationships with clients as they become individuals in need of therapy and counselling themselves. On the other hand, there are ways of reducing the risks of countertransference and vicarious traumatization. Sexton (1999, p. 396) note that counselors must engage in constant self-examination for the symptoms of crisis intervention issues in order to identify and resolve problems early by themselves or with the help of other counselling professionals. This ensures the counsellor’s assurance of his/her own psychosocial health which is important in safeguarding client well-being and interests. Thus, it is important for counselors and other helping professionals to be aware of the proper handling of crisis intervention issues they may confront while in the process of helping others recover and rebuild their lives after a traumatic incident. Works Cited: Gladding, S. T. (2008). Counselling: a comprehensive profession. New Jersey: Merrill-Prentice Hall/Pearson. Sexton, L. (1999). Vicarious traumatisation of counsellors and effects on their workplaces. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 27(3):393-403.

Friday, October 25, 2019

the outsiders :: essays research papers

"The Outsiders" is a story that deals with a conflict between two gangs, the "Greasers" from the East Side of town and the "Socs" from the West-side of town. This is a story that is told in the first person. This book took place in the early 1960’s.The mood of the story, in my point of view, was pretty misfortunate and is a tragedy, because when you think that it couldn’t get worse, it just did. Ponyboy Curtis is the one telling the story. The novel starts off, one day, as Ponyboy is walking home from a movie, he was about to get jumped and beaten by a gang of Socs, but at the last minute, his gang of greasers that includes his brothers Darry and Sodapop, who raise Ponyboy now that their parents have past away, the big tuff Dally Winston, innocent Johnny, and the loud and wise-cracking Two-Bit, show up to save him. The night after Jonny and Ponyboy went to the movies with Dally. They sat behind a pair of attractive Soc girls, whom Dally hits on very obnoxiously. After Johnny tells him to stop, Johnny and Ponyboy sit with the girls, Cherry and Marcia, and Ponyboy and Cherry finds out that they both have a lot in common. Ponyboy and Jonny sees Two-Bit there so they all sat together. As they are walking back to Two-Bit’s house so he could drive the girls home, they run into the girls’ drunk boyfriends. Cherry and Marcia agree to leave and go home with their boyfriends to prevent a big fight. Ponyboy got home very late, which made Darry very angry, but most of all worried. So sick and tired of having his brother critisizing and inspecting every little thing that he does, Ponyboy yells at Darry, which caused them to get in a bad argument. Being so furious Darry slaps Ponyboy across the face! In shock that his brother had slapped him, he ran out the door and meet up with Jonny, they left for the park. At the park Ponyboy and Jonny sees Bob and Randy, Cherry and Marcia’s boyfriends, with some of their Soc friends. One of the Socs held Ponyboy's head under the water of the fountain, and Ponyboy blacks out. When Ponyboy finally woke up he was lying next to Jonny. He looks to the side and sees a bloody corpse, it was Bob. To save Ponyboy, Johnny had to killed Bob. In the second third of the novel, so terrified, the only person that they thought that could help them was Dallas Winston.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Organizational Behavior Chapter 5 Summary

Chapter 5 Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. †¢People’s behavior is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself. †¢The world as it is perceived is the world that is behaviorally important. Attribution Theory: Judging Others Our perception and judgment of others are significantly influenced by our assumptions of the other people’s internal states.When individuals observe behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. Internal causes are under that person’s control. External causes are not – person forced to act in that way. Causation judged through: Distinctiveness — Shows different behaviors in different situations. Consensus — Response is the same as others to same situation. Consistency — Responds in the same way over time. Errors and Biases in AttributionsFund amental Attribution Error – Blame on people first, then situation. Self Serving Bias – If won, it’s our success, if failed, their fault. Selective Perception – selectively interpret what they see on basis of their interest, background, exp and attitude. Halo/Devil Effect – draw general impression on one of their trait. XX Contrast Effect — evaluation of someone’s characteristics that are affected by comparing with other who rank higher or lower on the same characteristic Another Shortcut: StereotypingProfiling – form of stereotyping which member of a group based on a single, usually racial traits Specific Shortcut Applications in Organization Employment Interviews – perceptual biases raters affect the accuracy of interviewers’ judgments, formed in a glance, 1/10 of a second Performance Expectation Self-fulfilling prophecy (Pygmalion effect) — lower or higher expectation of leader leads to productivity of em ployees, critical impact for employees. Perception and Individual Decision Making Problem is a perceived discrepancy between the current state of affairs and esired state Decisions are made from among alternatives developed from data Therefore, problems must be recognized and data must be selected and evaluated. Decision Making Models in Organizations Rational Decision Making – the â€Å"perfect world† model, assumes complete information, all options known and max payoff Bounded Reality – â€Å"real world† model, seek satisfactory and sufficient solutions from limited data and alternatives Intuition – a non-conscious process created from distilled exp that results in quick decision. (usually are good decisions) Common Biases and Errors in Decision-Making:Overconfidence Bias – believing too much in own ability to make good decision, especially outside of own expertise Anchoring Bias — Using early, first received info as basis for makin g subsequent judgments Confirmation Bias – selecting and using only facts that support our decision Availability Bias — emphasizing info that mostly readily at hand Escalation of Commitment – Increasing commitment to a decision in spite of evidence that it’s wrong Randomness Error – creating meaning out of random event, superstitions Winner’s Curse – higher bidder pay too much due to overestimation Hindsight Bias – believe it could be accurately predicted beforehand after outcome is known Individual Differences in Decision Making Personality: Conscientiousness may affect escalation of commitment. Achievement strivers are likely to increase commitment, while dutiful people are less to have this bias. High self-esteem people are susceptible to self-serving bias. Gender: Women analyze decisions more than men (rumination), and twice likely to develop depression. These differences develop early. Organizational ConstraintsPerformance Evaluation – managerial evaluation criteria influence actions Reword Systems – managers will make the decision with the greatest personal payoff for them Formal Regulation – limit the alternative choices of decision makers System-imposed Time Constraints—Restrict ability to gather or evaluate info Historical Precedents – past decision influence current decisions Ethics in Decision Making Ethical Decision Criteria Utilitarianism – decisions made based solely on the outcome, seek the greatest good for greatest number, mostly used by business people. Pro: promote efficiency and productivity Con: ignore individual rights, esp. minority Rights – decision consistent with fundamental liberties and privileges, respect and protects rights of individuals Pro: protect individual from harm, preserve rightsCon: create overly legalistic work environment Justice – imposing and enforcing the rules fairly and impartially, equitable distributio n of benefit and costs Pro: protect the interests of weaker members Con: sense of entitlement rises Improving Creativity in Decision Making: Creativity – ability to produce novel and useful ideas. People who score high in â€Å"Openness to Exp†, intelligent, independent, self-confident, risk-taking, have an internal locus-of-control, tolerant of ambiguity, low need for structure and preserve the frustration face The Three-Component Model of Creativity – proposition that individual creativity results from a mixture of three components Expertise – foundationCreative – Thinking Skills – personality characteristics associated with creaticity Intrinsic Task Motivation – The desire to do the job because of its characteristics Global Implications Attributions – cultural differences in the ways people attribute cause to observed behavior Decision Making – no research on the topic, assumption of â€Å"no difference† and ba sed on awareness of cultural differences in traits that affect decision making, this assumption suspect Ethics – No global ethical standards exist, Asian countries tend not to see ethical issues in â€Å"black and white† but as shades of gray. Global Companies need global standards for managers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Political Science link with English Essay

Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to provide the reader a clear understanding on the political views on estrangement. This will further be discussed by comparing and also contrasting the different views of Aristotle and Hobbe. And how might each of these philosophers have analyzed the problems on Pitcairn Island. Political Science link with English It is very common to all of us that when we decide on something, we sometimes immediately knew what we would prefer or choice and then we decide from it. This is common in the sense that every one of us has our own personal judgment, even sometimes we have the same decision with others, but the reason why we have decided it is different from that person. But, there are still other people that just tend to follow decisions and would not anymore would want to expand his mind in thinking why he needs to decide ion such things, but in fact we all been given that luxury of making up our mind on the decisions we want to have. This is also part of the key areas that will be focus on in this paper the political vision of estrangement. This will be further be discussed and explained in this paper through the different views of two famous philosophers: Aristotle and Hobbe. These two well respected philosophers will provide their own views which will eventually the basis of what was used at in the present. Lastly, these two philosophers will also be presented in this paper on how they have analyzed the problem in the Pitcairn Island. Estrangement just like a choice or decision refers to disunity due to following of different ideology. In true human reflection, this usually happens in politics, where there is always disunity that is happening. One for the administration and the other is for the opposition, or it can also be divided into majority group and the minority group. Estrangement is very evident and was said to be beneficial in an organization because this is the only way that it strikes the balance. Balance that would help like for example the government through disagreements made by the different sector of government. Or public upheaval that was initiated due to certain idea and belief that no balance of attention is given to staffs or employees in a company instead what happened was favoritism and lack of respect to others. Estrangement actually may not be present to humans, only if we have leaders who will stand for peace and equal rights across all groups, but this remains to be an ideal vision only and still people tends to work his own liberated way of thinking and pursue on what he or she desires. Take for instance people that are successful, even though they succeeded in life they lack relationship and that starts for finding somebody to compensate the sadness. Then this results to separation from the main ideology of the family. For the English philosopher, Hobbe, estrangement has a lot to do with human life, in the sense that every man is against other man, there are no central government that overrules this ideology and man should not find luxury instead grief in keeping company. Life is such a state which was considered a famous political theory that man should know his state and act on it. For Hobbe, there are two main levels of estrangement: the first level and that refers to the surface is psychological, which means that humans are estranged because they have egos to feed in and this is because they always think that they have to preserved their lives more and always the most important one. The second one is prestige and wealth and this may not be possible to achieve without practicing power. This is the most common standard of human life that every one of us will do anything just to succeed in what we do. But this also creates a person to be more selfish and self-centered. (Adler, Ronald and Russell, Proctor II, 2006, pp. 23-27). For Aristotle, it was an opposing view of Hobbe, and he said that human beings are essentially united. As the founder of political science, he made this belief more popular these days than that of Hobee. That there are more progress and developments that can happen if people work together as one. He even considered during the emergence of the city-state in the Greece, he finds views that for humans not considering in the involvement of exchanging ideas and beliefs are only those who can classifies themselves either Gods or beast. He even strongly stated that regardless of your status in the society, like slave, laborers or artisans, you can still allow to unite with different groups since you also bear the same ideology and principle. This principle or belief was then been carried on for years and it was very beneficial in war as people can easily know the greater importance of unity instead of working individually. (Adler, Ronald and Russell, Proctor II, 2006, pp. 28-29). But the main focal point is that does human beings are estranged in essence. Based on the two philosophers, it is hard to mention what is more effective; instead it is more on the faith of the individual that counts the most. That is contrasting the two different ideology has its own personal purpose, humans should strike the balance. In other words both have its own main advantage provided it will be used appropriately. In the Pitcairn Island novel, it was obviously a cast of different personality at the beginning, most specially for Christian, who always finds it interesting working alone but still effectively contributing to the team. Unlike McCoy, Smith, John and Martin, preferred more to work as a team and having to work in a more focus but more collaborative way is essential. In this novel, following Aristotle’s ideology would be easier, it was shown here that even after a little uprising happens that divides the followers, still there are loyal followers that remains and still succeeded in reaching its goal in arriving to Pitcairn Island. Unlike for Hobbe’s ideology it can still be helpful but instead of addressing the team as one, what he will do is to work each and every member and that will take much of his time and the time for his team to coordinate at one another, even though a higher efficiency for each individual will be achieved but the team work will suffer and in that time that is more important as there was already an uprising that happens. This is truly a call for leadership and unity for the team in the ship. The only used for Hobbe’s principle is for its leader of the ship, which he needs to look more on how he can find and implement rules more effectively and from there is that to establish the principle of Aristotle’s unity in achieving the over-all vision of the team. (Nordhoff, Charles and Hall, James Norman. (Nordhoff, Charles and Hall, James Norman, 1962, pp. 3-71). Work Cited Page Adler, Ronald and Russell, Proctor II. Looking Out, Looking In., US: Wadsworth Publishing, 2006. Nordhoff, Charles and Hall, James Norman. Pitcairn Island., Boston, USA: Little, Brown, and Company, 1962. Work Cited Bassman, E. (1992). Abuse in the Workplace: Management Remedies and Bottom Line Impact. Westport, CT: Stourum Press, 1992.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

US Consitution essays

US Consitution essays Article 1 createes the first of the 3 branches of the government. Section 1 createes the name of the Legislature to be The Congress is a two-part body. Section 2 explains the House of Representatives. It createes a the minimum requirements, like 25yrs old limit, and says that the people themselves will elect the members for 2 yrs each. The members of the House are divided among the states according to size giving the more populous states more representatives in the House. The leader is the Speaker of the House, chosen by the members. Section 3 defines the Senate. It shows some minimum requirements, like the 30 yr age limit. They serve for 6 yrs each. Each state has the exact same number of Senators, 2 each, no matter the population. This Section introduces the Vice Pres., who is the leader of the Senate. He doesnt vote unless there is a tie. Section 4 says that each state may create its own methods for electing members of the Congress, and mandates, or requires, that Congress must meet at least once per year. Section 5 says that Congress must have a minimum number of members present in order to meet, and that it may set fines for people who do not show up. Section 6 createes that members of Congress will be paid, that they cannot be detained while traveling to and from Congress, that they cannot hold any other office in the government while in the Congress. Section 7 details how bills become law. First, any bill for raising money must start out in the House. All bills must pass both houses of Congress in the exact same form. Bills that pass both houses are sent to the President. He can either sign the bill to be a law or he can veto it. If he vetoes it, the bill is sent back to Congress, and if both houses pass it by a 2/3 majority, the bill becomes law over the President's veto. Section 8 lists specific powers of Congress, including the power to create and maintain an army and navy, to create post offices, to create courts, to...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Consider The Criticism That The Glass Menagerie Is A Clever Juxtaposition Of Scenes Rather Than A Unified Play Essay Example

Consider The Criticism That The Glass Menagerie Is A Clever Juxtaposition Of Scenes Rather Than A Unified Play Essay Example Consider The Criticism That The Glass Menagerie Is A Clever Juxtaposition Of Scenes Rather Than A Unified Play Paper Consider The Criticism That The Glass Menagerie Is A Clever Juxtaposition Of Scenes Rather Than A Unified Play Paper Essay Topic: Literature The Glass Menagerie The Glass Menagerie is often criticised as a juxtaposition, or arrangement of scenes, rather than being a traditional unified play. I believe this criticism is a correct one for many reasons. A major reason which fuels this criticism is the lack of acts. In Shakespearian plays there are traditionally 5 acts, with the play being divided into roughly two halves, the build up of problems and then the solving of these problems. More modern plays usually have 3 acts, which nicely divides the play into three parts, the build up of problems, the climax, and the solution of problems. This play, however has no acts, so has no solid structure as such. It is just an arrangement of seven scenes. I believe this was intentional by Tennessee Williams, I believe the structure of the play is symbolic of the structure of the family, it has no real structure and is just an arrangement of people, or if you like, a menagerie. Right from the start in the opening speech of Tom, we are told that the play is a memory play. This gives the impression that it will not be an exact account of the events, rather an arrangement of memories that are often disjointed. As we read the play we can see that it jumps around in time, one scene might be set a few days or even weeks later than the last scene. The statement by Tom that this is a memory play tells us instantly that it is out to break conventions. A large theme in this play is static. The set rarely changes, so is static. Tom finds his job static, as he wants to escape from it. In this play there is a continuing theme of people being stuck in time. Amanda is stuck in the past with her fond memories of Blue Water, where she used to live and was very obviously enjoying life. We can tell that she is stuck in the past because she often recounts her stories to Tom and Laura. Oppositely there is Tom who is tired of the present and past and is stuck in the future. He often visits the movies to see glimpses of what his future could be, rather than what it is going to be if he stays at home. He wishes for adventure and excitement rather than the cage or trap that he is stuck in at home. Since his father left he has been rather unfairly stuck in the providing role and therefore trapped and unable to leave and see the world as he wishes. This is why Tom is almost always around the fire escape. The fire escape is symbolic of a halfway house between the outside world and his world. He cannot leave it however because of Amanda. She is is conscience, and is constantly reminding him of the things he cannot do, which is why he rebels from her. Then there is Laura who is stuck in the present. I believe this is her choice. She seems uncomfortable in venturing forwards into the future, and when she does in the case of Jim the gentleman caller, she gets heartbroken. This just buries her deeper in lack of self-confidence which will in the end ruin her. I believe that she just enjoys the simple time she spends on her own with her collection of glass. Again the theme of static comes with the plays stage directions. Tennessee Williams gives so many heavily detailed stage directions that he gives the people performing the play less and less room to create or add things of their own. This makes the performers static in their input to the play. Leading back to the theme of static, the set remain static for virtually all of the play. The only thing that changes is when Amanda glosses the house up with the new lamp and curtains etc. There is also the on stage screen which acts as a link between the abstract thoughts of the characters, and the thoughts of the audience. The on stage screen barely ever mentions the future however, which again backs up the static nature of the play. So in conclusion I believe that the criticism mentioned in the title is correct, because of the static nature of the play, the fact its a memory play, and also the lack of an overall structure.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Names and Functions of Chemical Elements in Fireworks

Names and Functions of Chemical Elements in Fireworks Fireworks are a traditional part of many celebrations, including Independence Day. There is a lot of physics and chemistry involved in making fireworks. Their colors come from the different temperatures of hot, glowing metals and from the light emitted by burning chemical compounds. Chemical reactions propel them and burst them into special shapes. Heres an element-by-element look at what is involved in your average firework. Components in Fireworks Aluminum: Aluminum is used to produce silver and white flames and sparks. It is a common component of sparklers. Antimony: Antimony is used to create firework glitter effects. Barium: Barium is used to create green colors in fireworks, and it can also help stabilize other volatile elements. Calcium: Calcium is used to deepen firework colors. Calcium salts produce orange fireworks. Carbon: Carbon is one of the main components of black powder, which is used as a propellant in fireworks. Carbon provides the fuel for a firework. Common forms include carbon black, sugar, or starch. Chlorine: Chlorine is an important component of many oxidizers in fireworks. Several of the metal salts that produce colors contain chlorine. Copper: Copper compounds produce blue colors in fireworks. Iron: Iron is used to produce sparks. The heat of the metal determines the color of the sparks. Lithium: Lithium is a metal that is used to impart a red color to fireworks. Lithium carbonate, in particular, is a common colorant. Magnesium: Magnesium burns a very bright white, so it is used to add white sparks or improve the overall brilliance of a firework. Oxygen: Fireworks include oxidizers, which are substances that produce oxygen in order for burning to occur. The oxidizers are usually nitrates, chlorates, or perchlorates. Sometimes the same substance is used to provide oxygen and color. Phosphorus: Phosphorus burns spontaneously in air and is also responsible for some glow-in-the-dark effects. It may be a component of a fireworks fuel. Potassium: Potassium helps to oxidize firework mixtures. Potassium nitrate, potassium chlorate, and potassium perchlorate are all important oxidizers. Sodium: Sodium imparts a gold or yellow color to fireworks, however, the color may be so bright that it masks less intense colors. Sulfur: Sulfur is a component of black powder. It is found in a fireworks propellant/fuel. Strontium: Strontium salts impart a red color to fireworks. Strontium compounds are also important for stabilizing fireworks mixtures. Titanium: Titanium metal can be burned as powder or flakes to produce silver sparks. Zinc: Zinc is used to create smoke effects for fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

POPULAR SCIENCE ARTICLE Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

POPULAR SCIENCE - Article Example It stays this way to protect itself against adverse conditions for long periods of time, in order to wait for a better time period to grow. Through experimental incubation, these spores are revived, which seem to have come from deeper hot spots inside the ocean. These newly discovered bacteria have very similar genetic characteristics to a set of bacteria found from offshore oil reservoirs. Hubert, a PhD in petroleum microbiology states that  that surveys will be able to pinpoint the exact  place from where these microorganisms have originated. He believes they might have some interesting applications, that is, if they are coming from petroleum reservoirs. These bacteria were found to be anaerobic, as they were found in high number in the sediments. Hubert stated that a source of the bacteria could be the oil reservoir and another could be that the fluid circulation through the ocean crust at the spreading ridges where hydrothermal vents are present. While these spores are extremely helpful in tracking down marine hot spots, they also offer new information about the wild life and everything about the different variety of things here in the biosphere. The bacterial species  found  in  the  environment  hide  many  of the minor groups of bacteria that apparently  don’t seem to participate in  the  functioning  of  the  ecosystem. These dormant thermophiles can be a useful key in understanding how diverse is the marine ecosystem and how well it is maintained by the submissive spreading of cells over a large area. These arctic thermophiles can be the holders of great and important clues to solve broader riddle of biogeography and biodiversity.   The thermophiles are a form of bacteria that live and breed in hot places and kill organisms around them (Kristjà ¡nsson; p 43). These are grouped into two types, either Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes.   They breed in temperatures that range between 50C to 70C. Studying these

School District and Community Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

School District and Community Analysis - Essay Example This was an involving exercise as the teacher required students to form groups through which to complete the assignment. In the groups everyone was handed a role such as measuring oats, mixing margarine and cleaning apples. This ensured everyone participated, all the while the teacher was watching keenly to make sure people performed their roles as needed and that they cooperated throughout. On the second day the lesson was more theoretical as compared to the first day lesson. The teacher taught on food and food safety. Unlike the first lesson students were required to continually put down notes and concentrate throughout the lesson. There were no permitted consultations or discussions among the students as all questions were addressed to the teacher. Classroom rules Day 1-2-Class rules The students should always first look at the projector before the teacher directs them to. This is because the teacher may take a while as he has to finish a few minutes to complete a number of class duties. The other rule requires students to complete their personal duties before attending class this ensures they concentrate in class and are not distracted by any of their extra duties (Roubidoux, 2008). Day 1-2-Teacher’s procedure The teacher has several approaches of distributing class materials some of the most common is sending them to respective emails. The teacher has emails for all students in the class; every material he needs to distribute especially syllabus content is forwarded to these materials. The teacher also prints class materials and distributes it to all students in the class during respective lessons (Walberg, 2010). The very same methods of distributing materials are utilized in collecting materials. The students are supposed to complete respective assignments and forward to the class instructor through his email. Ensuring concentration Day 1-2 The teacher has several ways through which he ensures that the students concentrate during class hours. One way of doing this is by simplifying the instructions, the teacher has realized overtime that too complex instructions tend to bore students, and they lose concentration, as a result. The teacher has also incorporated several activities within the class lessons continual oral lessons tend to bore students and having the activities in between these lessons ensures the students concentrate. Encouraging communication –Day 1-2 The teacher also requires students to interact and discuss issues among them, this way he encourages them not only to share knowledge but to talk more. The teacher has developed an interactive session at the end of every lesson, during this session he asks students to put forward questions they may have regarding their past areas of study. Monitoring student behavior-Day 1-2 The class groups are formed based on the students’ average performance. This method looks at the students’ performance in the past three tests. The reason for this is simpl y because each group should be constituted of several high performers, average performers and a number of those who perform poorly. This constitution ensures that average performers as well as those who perform poorly gain from the high performers this way the class general performers goes up. The teacher requires honesty in completing individual work; this may either be tests, assignments or quizzes (Roubidoux, 2008).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nurse Residency Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nurse Residency Program - Essay Example Beginning March 2000, both the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) as well as American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) tied up and have worked to enlarge strategies which can address the nursing shortage, enhance the expertise among nursing workforce, reduce practice errors, and also to minimize the burnout brought about by stress beneath prepared professional nurses. Moreover, a small body of research confronts issue about the training for clinical practice and the job satisfaction of the new nurses. Until today new nurse graduates have expressed the difficulty adjusting to the roles demonstrated when in the acute care setting. The UHC and AACN in joint venture with Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education with an impartial panel were able to developed accreditation standards intended for nurse residency programs and this move have been commented by the public (University HealthSystem Consortium, 2007). In 2002, a study conducted by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, found that health care employers recognize newly licensed RNs as not fully prepared to execute common tasks in a fundamental practice setting. Employers view new RNs as more than ever deficient in recognizing abnormal physical as well as diagnostic findings, supervising care provided by others, responding to emergencies, and in psychomotor skills. The UHC and AACN are in the opinion that it is extremely challenging for nursing schools to prepare new graduates to effort in the field of acute care hospital environment since there is high level of patient acuity. UHC conducted a study (2000) to discover what additional assistance was being offered to fresh graduate nurses employed in UHC hospitals.Similarly, about eighty-five percent (85%) of the respondents noted that they had an extended program in order to prepare new graduates to become skillful practitioners; but, the survey revealed that there was no u niformity programs offered. The previously mentioned programs varied in length, curriculum, and content, particularly the clinical content that ranged from 20% to 100%. Also, same study reiterated that more training and support is required for new nurses in order improve reduce turnover, job satisfaction, and enhance skills very significant to patient safety. The shortage of experienced nurses simply suggests that recent graduates are becoming gradually more critical to providing sufficient staffing and emphasizes the need for a standardized curriculum.Through a mutual interest in creating a substantially different program and a desire to share experiences and collaborate between systems, a common definition emerged. A NRP was defined as a joint partnership between academia and practice that is a learner-focused, postgraduate experience designed to support the development of competency in nursing practice. The role of the academic partner is to aid in the development of the theoreti cal framework and conduct the research-based program evaluation,

Stress coping, social support and quality of live for a patient who Essay

Stress coping, social support and quality of live for a patient who suffered stroke and partner (husband) that had to give up his job to look after his partner - Essay Example Sandra is unable to speak at this time which also means that she cannot work; her husband has to quit work so that he can take care of her. The purpose of this discussion is to design information that can help Sandra and her husband cope with what has happened and insure that they will have a quality of life. According to The Stroke Association (2009), there are many psychological changes that a person can experience after a stroke. Depression is a common result because a person must deal with physical changes that are different from what they experience before the stroke. Many people are not assessed for depression so it is a good idea for Sandra to have an assessment for depression. Fear and anxiety can affect an individuals psychological well-being because they have lost the ability to use part of their body or they have been affected in other ways. In Sandras case, she is unable to speak and she has lost the use of her right side. Sandra will need to adjust to this situation in order to be successful in rehabilitation. Although each stroke is different, because Sandras left side of her brain has been affected, she may experience outbursts of anger or she may find herself crying for no known reason (Stroke Association, Fact Sheet 10, p. 1). These bursts of anger and crying are often linked to their frustration of not being able to take care of themselves for their daily needs (Ryan, 2009, p. 1806). Many stoke victims have a loss of sexual desire, and perceived loss of control or "the relinquishing of defined roles" of their daily routine. (Thompson and Ryan, p. 1807). The family is also affected because initially it is a shock. Most people do not feel that they are going to have any health problems and a stroke happens suddenly and dramatically. Family members may also feel a sense of loss because the person they have known and loved is now different. The doctors cannot really determine how much recovery a person will

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Describe fully how corporate governance has developed in the UK from Essay

Describe fully how corporate governance has developed in the UK from the early 1990's to the present day, outlining as appropriate the key influences on the development - Essay Example The Cadbury Report came up with a significant number of recommendations. Amongst the most important ones were the separation of the role of chairman and chief executive, an increase in the number of non-executive directors on the board of a company, the selection process of non-executive directors and the need for good internal controls over the operations of a company. The issue of thick amounts being paid out as director’s salary and share options being granted to the top management led to the issuance of the Greenbury Report in 1995. The report recommended the creation of a remuneration committee comprising of non-executive directors (BOURNE 2007). The purpose of this committee was to determine the pay of executive directors. Moreover, the report required extensive disclosure in the financial statements about directors’ salary and other benefits granted to them by the company. In early 1996, a committee by the name of Hampel Committee was established to determine whether the principles laid down by the Cadbury and Greenbury Reports were even put into practice by companies or not. The Hampel Committee came up with the Hampel Report which led to the eventual publication of the much famous Combined Code of Corporate Governance in 1998. The Combined Code covered a lot of important areas like director’s remuneration, accounts and auditing, company’s dealings with major or institutional shareholders, operations of the board of directors and the responsibilities of institutional shareholders. The Code applied to all the listed companies in the UK from almost the start of 1999 till November ’03 when the Revised Code was issued. The Combined Code also required companies to provide a statement in their annual reports telling how they have complied with the principles laid down in the code (LYSANDROU 2007). There was much confusion over how companies should implement the teachings of various codes into their business.

Enterpreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development Essay

Enterpreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development - Essay Example Therefore, organizations require innovative and creative individuals; who are ready to explore new opportunities. Entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, and problem solving are the key aspects that result to economic development in any society. The term entrepreneurship in business to describes the process of taking the risk to explore markets and invest capital with the hope of making profits. An entrepreneur is a confident person, who is willing to venture into the market sometimes with a new product or idea (Wennekers, Stel, and Carree, 2010:370). However, he or she is ready to face the challenges involved and keep focused on the results. Such individuals are dedicated to achieving their goals of making profit no matter the market trends. Entrepreneurs do not limit their ability to the resources they control but seek opportunities of mobilizing more resources. Entrepreneurship requires prior planning. One must analyze the market critically. Despite the risk, one must have faith of creating a difference in the global market. An entrepreneur must think positively and be able to make decisions. Due to changes in the market trends, the entrepreneur should learn how to adapt to new situations. Therefore, flexibility is a necessity but the goal of making profits remains unchanged. Successful entrepreneurs should study the market and recognize a need that other businesses are not addressing fully. They then set out to transform the unrefined, raw idea into a business venture. The viability of the idea should be critically. This requires a lot of patience and hard work. Persistence is evident from Ted Turner’s example on his road to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Ted came up with the idea of giving people more news than they were receiving and started CNN. He carefully studied the market to recognize the opportunity and it took him faith and persistence to pull it through effectively. People who lack endurance are not successful entrepreneurs. For an entrepreneurial venture to be a success, planning and management should be effective. Self-discipline is also compulsory. One should ensure that there is sufficient financing before they choose to start up any venture. Management is very critical in entrepreneurship because many ventures fail due to lack of proper management. Some are ideas are very viable but the individuals lack critical managerial skills and therefore personal failure contributes to failure of the idea (Terrence and Ulijn, 2004:105). The market should be read logically and analytically to avoid disappointment. There are individuals who prefer to start on small scale and advance with time as they learn to adjust to market trends. Others start large-scale businesses. Capital entrepreneurs invest a lot of capital and therefore take a greater risk. Capital entrepreneurs are daring enough to invest a large sum, expecting better profits. Usually, they have control on more resources and have the right connections in the market. However, even small-scale entrepreneurs can succeed if they plan strategically. Entrepreneurs must apply innovation to compete effectively in the market. Innovation is the exploitation of any new opportunity in the business world to comer up with a new product or service in the market. Innovation seeks to improve the products, goods, or services existing in the market. Innovation takes advantage of new technologies to improve the existing products. Innovators are critical thinkers and can recognize the sectors of business that can benefit

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Describe fully how corporate governance has developed in the UK from Essay

Describe fully how corporate governance has developed in the UK from the early 1990's to the present day, outlining as appropriate the key influences on the development - Essay Example The Cadbury Report came up with a significant number of recommendations. Amongst the most important ones were the separation of the role of chairman and chief executive, an increase in the number of non-executive directors on the board of a company, the selection process of non-executive directors and the need for good internal controls over the operations of a company. The issue of thick amounts being paid out as director’s salary and share options being granted to the top management led to the issuance of the Greenbury Report in 1995. The report recommended the creation of a remuneration committee comprising of non-executive directors (BOURNE 2007). The purpose of this committee was to determine the pay of executive directors. Moreover, the report required extensive disclosure in the financial statements about directors’ salary and other benefits granted to them by the company. In early 1996, a committee by the name of Hampel Committee was established to determine whether the principles laid down by the Cadbury and Greenbury Reports were even put into practice by companies or not. The Hampel Committee came up with the Hampel Report which led to the eventual publication of the much famous Combined Code of Corporate Governance in 1998. The Combined Code covered a lot of important areas like director’s remuneration, accounts and auditing, company’s dealings with major or institutional shareholders, operations of the board of directors and the responsibilities of institutional shareholders. The Code applied to all the listed companies in the UK from almost the start of 1999 till November ’03 when the Revised Code was issued. The Combined Code also required companies to provide a statement in their annual reports telling how they have complied with the principles laid down in the code (LYSANDROU 2007). There was much confusion over how companies should implement the teachings of various codes into their business.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Baroque Era Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Baroque Era - Term Paper Example In comparison to the forms of music preceding the Baroque music, the Baroque music is more intense, ornate and texturized in a lavish manner. The melodic line of the Baroque music is immensely decorated and has a rich counterpoint. A myriad of traits define the music of the Baroque era that include but are not limited to the basso continuo’s use and a faith in the affections’ doctrine which enable the composers to incorporate their feelings and emotions into their work. One of the most distinguishing features of music in the Baroque era is the emphasis it places upon the pace, volume and texture of the music. These features were altogether non-existent in the conventional music from the late Renaissance. Moreover, the Baroque music replaced the austerity of the early Renaissance and the Medieval style with the color of the instrument and the use of voice. In the Baroque era, there was an abundance of the secular forms of music and their use was just as much as that of t he liturgical styles of music. Imitative polyphony was one characteristic that reflected in most of the preceding music eras as well as in the Baroque era. It was used in the musical lyrics. On the contrary, the homophonic style was gaining increased attention and use in the music of the Baroque era, unlike the preceding music eras. Along with the employment of the homophonic music in the Baroque era, several innovative types of polyphonic music were surfacing in this era as well. Composers in the Baroque era were of the opinion that the counterpoint’s art.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Integrating basic skills Essay Example for Free

Integrating basic skills Essay Graphing and Social Studies The Rationale Graphing skills are in important tool for participating in adult society. As such, they should be emphasized and integrated into the curriculum. Including a graphing exercise as part of a larger social studies unit is a good way to reinforce math and interpretive skills. A graphing exercise gives the student an opportunity to demonstrate what has been learned in a creative way. Reproducing the information in graphical form also helps the students to see the big picture. It helps them see how different elements relate, and it provides a visual representation of the information that can be more easily remembered. As adults, the students will find that graphs are not solely a mathematical element. Graphs are a way we communicate concepts as well as data. Early integration of this skill into a child’s education can only be beneficial. The Exercise Software and internet sites to assist graphing activities are plentiful. For this exercise, the Create a Graph website (http://nces. ed. gov/nces/kids/graphing/) sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics will be used. The students have been studying the Plymouth Plantation. This lesson points out that the Pilgrims attained a new sense of freedom, but it was not without hardship. The graphing exercise is designed to reinforce this concept. Before the exercise begins the teacher will run through a brief graphing tutorial. To begin, the students will each receive one of three different assignment sheets. They will later be divided into groups based on which assignment they receive. The students in group one will receive a handout summarizing the information obtained in the part of the lesson called â€Å"Step 2. † Their task will be to construct a graph at the Create a Graph website comparing the speeds of various forms of transportation, present and past, including the Mayflower. A bar chart will be suggested. The students may discuss the project as a group, but each student must complete a chart. The second group will receive a handout summarizing the climatic data obtained in â€Å"Step 3. † They will construct a chart showing the average temperature highs and lows for each month of the year. An area chart will be suggested. The third group will receive a handout describing population levels of colonists and natives in the area in the years 1620-1640. They will be asked to construct charts showing the population distribution (men, women, Native Americans) in the years 1620 and 1640. Pie charts will be suggested. Copies of each graph will be printed for each student in the group. Fonts, colors and labels will be at the discretion of the students, but the students will be asked to keep in mind that their chart must explain the data clearly to someone who might not already be familiar with it. After everyone has completed a chart they will return to groups to discuss their results. The graphs in each group will not be identical, but they should be similar. Each group will then be asked an interpretive question: â€Å"What is your graph telling us? † The answer should be one written sentence. The idea is to present a very concise summary of the information, i. e. The population difference between men and women shrunk between 1620 and 1640. The teacher will choose one or two members of each croup to present their graph, describe the process of making it, and describe the meaning. To reinforce the experience, the students will be asked, as a class a series of follow up questions including the following: Could we have used different types of graphs to present the data? Why or why not? Why do we use graphs? What do the graphs tell you about life on Plymouth? The graphing exercise will help students visualize the data. They can then draw their own conclusions about what the data means. They will gain exposure to the different types of graphs and when it is appropriate to use each. It is also another chance to integrate interactive technology into the students learning experience. The group format will allow students to exchange ideas and develop for themselves a more creative learning experience. As with any group exercise, the job of the teacher is to facilitate interaction and full participation of the students. Sources Bergen County Intermediate School District. (2006). Technology Curriculum Integration Ideas! Retrieved 7/2/2006 from: http://www. remc11. k12. mi. us/bcisd/classres/intideas. htm Brooks, Susan Byles, Bill. (2006). Idea Starters for using Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved 7/2/2006 from: http://www. internet4classrooms. com/integ_tech_lessons. htm Evans, Janet. (2005). Literacy Moves On: Popular Culture, New Technologies, and Critical Literacy in the Elementary Classroom. New York: Heinemann. Howell, Will C. (1987). Grid and graph it: graphing activities for listening and following directions, grades 4-6. Belmont, Calif. : Fearon Teacher Aids. National Center for Education Statistics. (2006). Students Classroom: Create a Graph. Retrieved 7/2/2006 from: http://nces. ed. gov/nces/kids/graphing/ Starr, Linda. (2003). Technology Integration Ideas that Work. Retrieved 7/2/2006 from: http://www. education-world. com/a_tech/tech/tech176. shtml Ventura, Fred. (2006). Graphing and Computers in Grades 3-5. Retrieved 7/2/2006 from: http://www,venturaes. com/graphing/.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Eulogy for Father :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Father I stand before you today to pay my last respects, and to say my final goodbyes, to my father Harry. I have to admit at the outset that it is very difficult to do this. The difficulty is not just due to the obvious causes -- the sadness, the grief, and the sense of loss. Nor is it due to the confrontation with death in its utter finality, and the resulting fear regarding one's own mortality. No, this is difficult for me primarily because of all of the unfinished business that I have with my father. And while a part of me continues to nurture the hope that, had he lived longer, I would have been able to finish my business, I have to acknowledge that this is not true. Because, the fact is, it is very hard for sons to ever attain a really clear perspective on their own fathers. I know this to be true from my 20 years of experience as a psychologist whose central interest has been fatherhood. In the Fatherhood Course that I teach, this issue of son-father business usually comes up in the first class. We might be talking about why the men decided to enroll in the course, and after a few guys give the standard reasons, and others make some quips, the mood palpably shifts to serious as one father speaks, lower lip quivering: "You want to know why I am here? I'll tell you why I am here. I am here so that my little son Timmy will not feel as bad about me when he's grown up as I do about my own dad." The man's words hit the room like a hurricane, and soon the theme of father son business is on every man's lips. The fathers then become sons and talk about the grief, pain and bitterness they feel toward their own fathers. Let's go into the classroom now, so that you can hear these men's voices: "I never know what my father thought. He just would never talk about himself." "I know he loved us because he was a good provider. He worked two jobs in order to put all five of us though parochial school and several of us though college. But I never knew if he liked me." "To this day I wonder what he really thinks of me. Is he proud of me?" "Every time I call home, Dad answers the phone, and it usually goes like this: `Hi.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Propaganda, Stereotypes, and the War on Drugs Essay -- Media Stereotyp

Propaganda, Stereotypes, and the War on Drugs The West has constantly been fighting the use of illegal drugs for decades by Propaganda. Propaganda ‘is a form of manipulative communication designed to elicit some predetermined response’ (Inge, 1981, 322). Governments have been using many propagandistic methods to reduce the consumption of illegal drugs such as marginalization or creating stereotypes. By creating a certain stereotype for the drug users and dealers, governments believe that people would try to avoid drugs so they won’t fit the stereotype. Extensive researche has been performed on this issue and there was no support that this propaganda tactic made a significant difference in the use of illegal drugs. To understand the reason behind the anti-drug movement and the development of stereotypes, one should know the history of the prohibition of certain drugs. One of the first drugs that were prohibited was Opium. This was due to the large amount of Chinese immigrants which consumed opium. â€Å"Powerful labor unions such as the American Federation of labor feared competition from Chinese laborers who were quite hard working and generally willing to work for lower wages. Labor Leaders vilified the Chinese as opium-crazed fiends who preyed sexually upon young white girls† (Preston, 2001). Since then individuals who consume opiates carried the stereotype of being rapists and evil-doers. In the early twentieth century, minority groups such as African-Americans and Mexican-Americans consumed marijuana. One of the main reasons marijuana was prohibited was to ‘drive Mexican-Americans out of the United States and â€Å"back† to Mexico’ (Blum, 1997).To create prejudice against Mexican-Americans, a stereotype was formed which...>, consulted on March 30th, 2004. FITZPATRICK, Michael (2001). â€Å"The Lessons of the Drugs War†, Spiked,. Online at: , consulted on March 30th, 2004. INCIARDI, James A. (1992). The War on Drugs II: The Continuing Epic of Heroin, Cocaine, Crack, Crime, Aids, and Public Policy. Toronto: Mayfield Publishing Company. INGE, M. Thomas (1981). A Handbook of American Popular Culture, Vol.3. Connecticut: Greenwood Press. MacCOUN, Robert J. and Reuter, Peter (2001). Drug War Heresies. Cambridge University Press. PRESTON, Keith (2001). â€Å"The Political Economy of the War on Drugs†, Free Republic,. Online at: , March 30th, 2004. SOLOMON, David (1968). The Marihuana Papers, 4th Ed. The New American Library, Inc.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Shaquille T. Sailsman Literature and Composition March 26,2013 Rastafarianism The Rastafarian religion has many different elements. These elements include: history, beliefs, customs/culture, celebrations, and worshipping. Rastafarians believe in the divine nature of Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, whose title before his coronation of 1930 who Ras Tafari (Prince of the House of Tafari). The name Haile Selassie means â€Å"Power of Trinity. † He was the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930-1974. Haile Selassie never regarded himself as God, nor did he adhere to Rastafari.According to iconn. org, Rastafarians regard Haile Selassie I as God because Marcus Garvey’s prophecy – â€Å"Look to Africa where a black king shall be crowned, he shall be the Redeemer† – was swiftly followed by the ascension of Haile Selassie as Emperor of Ethiopia. Haile Selassie I is regarded by Rastafarians as the God of the black race. The Rastafarian religion began in Jamaica i n the 1930s. The religion was formed after periods of slavery. Rastafarians regarded Jamaica as hell and Ethiopia as heaven.Rastafarians called Jamaica hell because Africans were divided up and sent to destinations throughout the world, in most cases as slaves to whites. This is why many Africans found themselves in Jamaica. Ethiopia, the homeland, was seen as a place of fond memories of freedom and life prior to oppression. This meant it eventually became regarded as heaven. â€Å"Rastafarians believes Jah (God) lives on in some form, and believes that one day he will bring about the return of all black people to their ancestral home in Africa,† (Breuilly, O’Brien, Palmer, 152).When Rastafarians have kids, they raise their kids to believe in Jah and after a certain age they should be able to identify who he is. They are also raised to believe that one day he will be raised from the dead and bring them back to Africa, their supposed homeland. Rastafarians dedicate them selves to preparing for this homecoming, growing closer to Jah, (Breuilly, O’Brien, Palmer). They do this by cultivating peace and harmony with all and by living in a way that is close to nature, mimicking Jah.Another way Rastas try to mimic Jah is by rejecting practices introduced from white culture, which is symbolically called â€Å"Babylon. † The culture of Rastafarian is to condemn the eating of meat. They are all vegetarians. In order to spiritually grow as a person, meat has to be gradually eliminated from the diet. According to www. iconn. org, â€Å"the main reason Rastafarians don't eat meat is because animals try so hard to get away. The fear of the animals can be seen in their eyes.It is evident that they are begging for mercy. Rastafarians will have to show mercy. Within the book of genesis, the LORD gave man dominion over animals. It was not to eat them but to care for them. † An efficient healthy body is very basic. The Rastafarian's diet is desig ned to meet their personal needs. The Rastafarian's food is normally referred to as ital food within the Rastafarian culture. The most traditional way to know a Rastafarian is by their dreadlocks. Some people may wear their hair the Rastafarian way – dreadlocks – without being committed to Rastafarian belief or lifestyle, while many believers feel obligated to abandon the traditional hairstyles for the sake of gaining or remaining in employment,† (Breuilly, O’Brien, Palmer, 152). Rastas wear dreadlocks because they do not believe in cutting or combing their hair. It is also the way some ancient African priests and Israelites wore their hair. Sometimes you see a green, red and yellow colored hat over a Rasta's hair. These are the colors of the flag of Ethiopia.Rastas also wear a turban, which is a headband based on cloth winding, over their head to protect and keep their dreadlocks clean. According to www. iconn. org, the holy herb, or known to most as mari juana or ganja, is used in all major Rastafarian celebrations to enhance feelings of peace and community, aid meditation and inspire religious visions. There has often been controversy concerning the legalization of marijuana. Rastafarians are perhaps best known for their religious use of marijuana, which grows plentifully in Jamaica. In addition to ritual use, Rastas also use marijuana for medicinal purposes, applying it o a variety of ailments including colds. Many followers also believe that marijuana aids in the worship of God, Bible study, and meditation. Although not all Rastafarians use marijuana, most believe it will bring a person closer to God. Reggae music originated as an important part of Rastafarian celebrations – asserting the pride and dignity of black people, rejection of white oppression, the beauty of Africa and visions of a peaceful future. Reggae music is intimately connected to Rastafari and its lyrics often speak of oppression, poverty, slavery, aparthe id and human rights.One of the most important figures in trying to spread reggae music was Bob Marley. Born Nesta Robert Marley (1974–1981), he remains the most widely known and the best-selling performer of reggae music, and is credited with helping spread both Jamaican music and the Rastafari movement to a worldwide audience. A Nyabingi ceremony brings together believers from a wider area, and often last from several days. At these ceremonies, there are chanting, drumming, singing, praying, and dancing as well as shaving of vegetarian food and smoking of marijuana.Some occasions for a Nyabingi are based on the Julian calendar used by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church; with the Rastafarian faith has strong links. Holy days and holidays are periods of solemn times for the Rastafarian community worldwide. The Holy days are to pray and ask for penance, fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7v14, â€Å"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, search for me and rep ent of their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. † (Himchurch. org).Some Rastafarian celebrations includes: Ethiopian New Year – Sept 11th (represents a holiday, which is, observed with a short Prayer Service from 10am-11am), Christmas Day – Jan. 7th (Rastafarians observed this as a holiday), Haile Selassie’s Birthday – July 23rd, and the Anniversary of his coronation – Nov. 2nd, (Breuilly, O’Brien, Palmer, 153). Influential prophets and teachers may also be commemorated, but there is no official festival calendar. Rastafarians do not have a specific religious building that is set aside for worshipping.They usually meet weekly, either in a believers’ home or in a community center. The meetings are referred to as Reasoning Sessions. They provide a time for chants, prayers and singing, and for communal issues to be discussed. Marijuana may be smoked to produce heightened spiritual st ates. The music used at these meetings is known as Nyabingi, and so when meetings are mostly musical they are often referred to as Nyabingi meetings. Meetings may also include large feasts. Rastafarians lay great stress on individual bible study and interpretation. Rasta Shaquille T. Sailsman Literature and Composition March 26,2013 Rastafarianism The Rastafarian religion has many different elements. These elements include: history, beliefs, customs/culture, celebrations, and worshipping. Rastafarians believe in the divine nature of Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, whose title before his coronation of 1930 who Ras Tafari (Prince of the House of Tafari). The name Haile Selassie means â€Å"Power of Trinity. † He was the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930-1974. Haile Selassie never regarded himself as God, nor did he adhere to Rastafari.According to iconn. org, Rastafarians regard Haile Selassie I as God because Marcus Garvey’s prophecy – â€Å"Look to Africa where a black king shall be crowned, he shall be the Redeemer† – was swiftly followed by the ascension of Haile Selassie as Emperor of Ethiopia. Haile Selassie I is regarded by Rastafarians as the God of the black race. The Rastafarian religion began in Jamaica i n the 1930s. The religion was formed after periods of slavery. Rastafarians regarded Jamaica as hell and Ethiopia as heaven.Rastafarians called Jamaica hell because Africans were divided up and sent to destinations throughout the world, in most cases as slaves to whites. This is why many Africans found themselves in Jamaica. Ethiopia, the homeland, was seen as a place of fond memories of freedom and life prior to oppression. This meant it eventually became regarded as heaven. â€Å"Rastafarians believes Jah (God) lives on in some form, and believes that one day he will bring about the return of all black people to their ancestral home in Africa,† (Breuilly, O’Brien, Palmer, 152).When Rastafarians have kids, they raise their kids to believe in Jah and after a certain age they should be able to identify who he is. They are also raised to believe that one day he will be raised from the dead and bring them back to Africa, their supposed homeland. Rastafarians dedicate them selves to preparing for this homecoming, growing closer to Jah, (Breuilly, O’Brien, Palmer). They do this by cultivating peace and harmony with all and by living in a way that is close to nature, mimicking Jah.Another way Rastas try to mimic Jah is by rejecting practices introduced from white culture, which is symbolically called â€Å"Babylon. † The culture of Rastafarian is to condemn the eating of meat. They are all vegetarians. In order to spiritually grow as a person, meat has to be gradually eliminated from the diet. According to www. iconn. org, â€Å"the main reason Rastafarians don't eat meat is because animals try so hard to get away. The fear of the animals can be seen in their eyes.It is evident that they are begging for mercy. Rastafarians will have to show mercy. Within the book of genesis, the LORD gave man dominion over animals. It was not to eat them but to care for them. † An efficient healthy body is very basic. The Rastafarian's diet is desig ned to meet their personal needs. The Rastafarian's food is normally referred to as ital food within the Rastafarian culture. The most traditional way to know a Rastafarian is by their dreadlocks. Some people may wear their hair the Rastafarian way – dreadlocks – without being committed to Rastafarian belief or lifestyle, while many believers feel obligated to abandon the traditional hairstyles for the sake of gaining or remaining in employment,† (Breuilly, O’Brien, Palmer, 152). Rastas wear dreadlocks because they do not believe in cutting or combing their hair. It is also the way some ancient African priests and Israelites wore their hair. Sometimes you see a green, red and yellow colored hat over a Rasta's hair. These are the colors of the flag of Ethiopia.Rastas also wear a turban, which is a headband based on cloth winding, over their head to protect and keep their dreadlocks clean. According to www. iconn. org, the holy herb, or known to most as mari juana or ganja, is used in all major Rastafarian celebrations to enhance feelings of peace and community, aid meditation and inspire religious visions. There has often been controversy concerning the legalization of marijuana. Rastafarians are perhaps best known for their religious use of marijuana, which grows plentifully in Jamaica. In addition to ritual use, Rastas also use marijuana for medicinal purposes, applying it o a variety of ailments including colds. Many followers also believe that marijuana aids in the worship of God, Bible study, and meditation. Although not all Rastafarians use marijuana, most believe it will bring a person closer to God. Reggae music originated as an important part of Rastafarian celebrations – asserting the pride and dignity of black people, rejection of white oppression, the beauty of Africa and visions of a peaceful future. Reggae music is intimately connected to Rastafari and its lyrics often speak of oppression, poverty, slavery, aparthe id and human rights.One of the most important figures in trying to spread reggae music was Bob Marley. Born Nesta Robert Marley (1974–1981), he remains the most widely known and the best-selling performer of reggae music, and is credited with helping spread both Jamaican music and the Rastafari movement to a worldwide audience. A Nyabingi ceremony brings together believers from a wider area, and often last from several days. At these ceremonies, there are chanting, drumming, singing, praying, and dancing as well as shaving of vegetarian food and smoking of marijuana.Some occasions for a Nyabingi are based on the Julian calendar used by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church; with the Rastafarian faith has strong links. Holy days and holidays are periods of solemn times for the Rastafarian community worldwide. The Holy days are to pray and ask for penance, fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7v14, â€Å"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, search for me and rep ent of their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. † (Himchurch. org).Some Rastafarian celebrations includes: Ethiopian New Year – Sept 11th (represents a holiday, which is, observed with a short Prayer Service from 10am-11am), Christmas Day – Jan. 7th (Rastafarians observed this as a holiday), Haile Selassie’s Birthday – July 23rd, and the Anniversary of his coronation – Nov. 2nd, (Breuilly, O’Brien, Palmer, 153). Influential prophets and teachers may also be commemorated, but there is no official festival calendar. Rastafarians do not have a specific religious building that is set aside for worshipping.They usually meet weekly, either in a believers’ home or in a community center. The meetings are referred to as Reasoning Sessions. They provide a time for chants, prayers and singing, and for communal issues to be discussed. Marijuana may be smoked to produce heightened spiritual st ates. The music used at these meetings is known as Nyabingi, and so when meetings are mostly musical they are often referred to as Nyabingi meetings. Meetings may also include large feasts. Rastafarians lay great stress on individual bible study and interpretation.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Seeing the situations that over rule an administration

Seeing the situations that over rule an administration everyday makes an administrator of the school wonder with regards which part of education does the institution still needs to work with besides the aspect of student achievement. It could not be denied that the institution has already reached its peak aim of producing student achievers who are both academically and athletically serious about their schooling.However, besides just the idea of achieving, the proposal that follows tries to embark on the idea of making certain changes with regards the morality of the students as this is one of the most neglected areas of importance in the institution. PRESENTING ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT MODELS IN A SCHOOL ALREADY CITED FOR HIGH STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Section 1: Introduction 1. 1 Background of the Study The schools and other educational institutions today are facing large problems regarding the issue on the students’ lack of self discipline resulting to under-achievements of the stud ents in the school as well as violence within the school premises.How close are these two issues related to each other? Mostly, the age-stage of which the student enters when he attends secondary school is ranged as the puberty stage of an individual’s growth. According to psychologists, this particular stage of growth introduces an individual to several major decisions that he has to face along the way towards his maturity. Hence, confusion of priorities and aggravation of depression through the environment occurs (Coon, 1999, 88).As reports could attest to this fact, it is not that hard to understand that there is an essential need of restructuring the procedures of the school when it comes to disciplining students who are attending secondary education. This is the reason why the researcher of this paper opted to discuss the issue mentioned. The timeliness of the research would indeed help in solving the problems at present especially with regards the issues of education, d iscipline and student achievements. 1. 2 Significance of the ProblemThe problem as mentioned earlier directly affects the achievements of the students in their schools. This means that because of the lack of discipline, the students of the secondary school level face the challenges of being misaligned when it comes to their focus and at some point become highly attracted to drugs and violence. This is the fact when it comes to school procedures. The actual reports that pertain to the said issue are indeed much disturbing and further more alarming to the institutional boards.As most of the schools affected by this dilemma are public educational institutions at [79%] whilst Private schools are affected by at least [45%], it is indeed necessary to identify the reasons behind the incidents that lead to students’ lesser interest in school and a higher rate of attraction towards drugs and violence. Through the proceedings of this particular research, it is expected that the reasons behind the ongoing issue in schools would be further regulated and controlled by institutional administrations through the use of psychological and psychosocial motivation.1. 3 Research Questions To be bale to attend to the most important issues related to this particular problem, the researcher decided to use the following questions as guidelines for the completion of this particular study: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     What are the primary sources of the discipline of the students? Do those sources pertain to the personal or the social connection of the students to the society? †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     How are students reacting to the discipline that they learn from their homes and from their environment?What are the elements that are so far affecting the vision of the students towards their achievements in school as well as towards their future? †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     How are drugs and violence related to the effects of lack of discipline among students? These particular questions shall serve as the primary foundation of the study. These questions shall be the settling ground of the researcher in finding the right sources for the completion of this paper as well as deciding on the right method to be used to collect actual data for the validation of this study. 1. 4 Purpose of the StudyTo add up to the stress that this study places on the topic to be discussed in this paper, the following presentation of the purposes would primarily support the existing statements of the problem to assist in the validation of the facts that are to be presented. The purposes of this study are: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     TO assist the ongoing researches on school students’ discipline issues and help the institutions solve the impending results of the said problems. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     To make assessments on how the issues could be investigated through the use of psychological assessments and actual-report-based evaluations of the situation.†¢Ã‚  Ã‚      To strengthen the procedures of s tudent motivation that is already currently used in schools in the society today. The utilization of these purposes within the completion of this study certainly helps in aligning the focus of the researcher. Hence, by doing so, the researcher expects that the focus would be on the cycle of events that involve The source of discipline, the results of the influential elements of the environment to the discipline of the students and the future of the students afterwards. Section 2: Literature Review 2. 1 What Psychology Says and how Anthropology RelatesBoth psychology and anthropology concentrate on the behavioral study of humans. Through the use of the said studies, the reasons behind the occurring behaviors of students in secondary school could be well identified. With regards the issue on discipline and how it affects the students, Psychologists claim that the situation is much controlled by the upbringing of the students. The original discipline that they receive from their homes are supposed to be the basis of why they act the way they do when they are already mingling with their peers or with the society as it is.(Coon, 1999, 89) Moreover, girls of the same age are differently reacting to the discipline that they receive from their homes compared to that of the boys. Anthropological studies attest to the claims of psychology as the said field of human understanding particularly points out the instance by which the discipline received by students from their homes are directly affected by the elements of the environment when they already begin to mingle with their peers or the society. As mentioned earlier, the effects vary.To young girls, the discipline that they receive from their homes are more likely more evident in their system of dealing with others as young girls are expected to be more emotionally and personally attached to the their families compare to that of the boys who are at some point more affected by the elements of change that they encounter in dealing with other people especially with their peers (Coon, 1999, 90). Knowing the sources of the discipline, it is essential to evaluate the claims of both psychology and anthropology through the use of the actual reports that are further presented for better understanding of the readers.

Basel Iii

1: Relationship between the capital base of banks and the 2007-1010 financial crisis and great recession. Previous financial crisis have demonstrated that past efforts to prevent systematic crashes are insufficient, and are still working to implement The Basel III framework. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision tried to concentrate on solving some of the major systematic problems known during the financial crisis, however Basel III might fail to reduce the risks, some major countries could choose to reject the proposals or delay the implementation of this framework. One of the main problems is that Basel III is focusing mostly in Europe and the United States, ignoring the practices in emerging economies. This new regulation will only shift systematic risk from one place to another without really reducing the risk of global financial crises placing greater regulation on banks and allowing non bank institutions to operate without supervision, meaning that this will increase rather than decrease systematic risk. 2: What measures should limit counterparty credit risk? Counterparty credit risk is the risk that the opposing party in a financial transaction will fail to honor an agreement. Since Basel II did not required banks to hold enough money in order to honor the agreement, Basel II is imposing additional measures to calculate the amount of risk. Some of the measures to limit counterparty credit risk are to include a period of economic and market stress when making assumptions, this way banks will be required to hold more capital in order to honor the agreement. Also, it has been proposed that banks increase the correlation assumptions between financial firms assets, this will increase the risk adjusted weighting for banks funding from other financial institutions, and by doing this financial institutions will decrease the dependence on one another. 3: Discuss the use of liquidity ratios as a valid focus for international regulations. The liquidity framework aims to improve banks flexibility to liquidity problems in the market; however it will harm international practices. The liquidity framework will increase the cost and decrease the availability of credit, meaning that banks would not have sufficient funds to conform to the minimum regulatory NSFR. It could also create liquid asset shortages or a large concentration of risk since all banks will want to hold similar assets, so banks will not be able to rely on lines of credit, liquidity facilities or other type of funding. This could negatively affect the international bank lending market, which is a major source of funding for many banks.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Politics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Politics - Research Paper Example Elements of democracy It is the most common form of government in the world of today. Democracy comes from two words, demos means â€Å"people† and cracy means â€Å"rule of†, so the word democracy means the rule of people. The authority to take decisions rests with the people of such a government. Democracy is considered as the best way to show equality and liberty among people in a society2. Modern democracies have a number of characteristics. They have elections and voting which gives equal rights to political power. They encourage equality by not discriminating one group over another. Democracies allow people to control political actions. It emphasizes on citizen participation3. Democracy can exist on a variety of levels such as local and international. Forms of democracy There are two basic forms of democracy; one being direct and the other representative4. Direct Democracy It is that form of democracy in which all of the citizens of a political organization jointl y make the decisions for that group. When a matter needs to be solved and a decision has to be taken, all the members sit together and vote in favour or against the matter. Example of a direct democracy is ancient Athens. They used to come together, debate on the issue and jointly decide amongst each other5. One of the main advantages of a direct democracy is that the citizens feel important and included in the matter. All decisions have high degree of authenticity. On the other hand, it also has its own setbacks. It is not a realistic approach for large countries. It is impossible for people of a populous country like India to sit together and discuss on an issue. Another limit is its need for people to effectively participate. This requires that the citizens are well informed of the issue to be discussed. This needs the time of the citizens which today most of them do not have. Third, decisions are taken on majority’s opinions. In direct democracy, there can be a tyranny of majority. Majorities can unfairly suppress minorities’ rights. This is the reason direct democracy is only at regional and local levels6. Representative Democracy In this form of democracy, people choose officials to represent their group and to make decisions on their behalf. An official is selected through regular elections. In this form, the citizens still participate and have the authority to decide, but the chosen representative implements the policies on their behalf. Government which are based on the principles of representative democracy are titled as republics. Majority of today’s governments are republics, for instance, United States, Mexico, and European countries7. Representative democracy has several advantages over direct democracy. First, elected representatives can focus more on politics and become specialists on issues that average people do not have time. Second, the whole process of debating and then coming to one conclusion is quicker and less comp licated than direct democracy. Third, countries can save time and money on elections since they are held after every few years; where as in direct democracy there are campaigns for most of the issues. Fourth, chosen officials provide continuity in government and prevent major changes in policy. Lastly, the elected officials can make complex decisions which the public might hesitate to take8.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Operations Research Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Operations Research - Case Study Example These components may be: How the company provides service Attitude or behavior of the dealers of the company Does the company meet the deadline of the orders Packing of the supplied items, etc. These factors play vital role in the business of any company. If a company simply considers these components and focus to improve these areas, reputation and goodwill of the company will take a breakthrough obviously. COMPETETIVE FACTORS OF TOYOTA: Toyota is a company manufacturing four wheel vehicles. There can be many key components affecting the performance and progress of Toyota's name. These components include the following: 1. Genuine parts 2. chemicals 3. Toyota Genuine Motor Oil These three components can further be described as following: 1. Break pad kits 2. Oil filters 3. Air cleaner 4. Arm and Bracket 5. Fuel Pump 6. Fuel Filter 7. Spark Plug 8. Genuine Gear Oil 9. Automatic Transmission Fuel 10. Genuine Break Fluid 11. Long Life Oolent 12. Suspension Fluid 13. Different Motor Oils These are the components are the basic components that affect the performance of the vehicles manufactured by Toyota. These 13 parts can be different for different types of vehicles. It is Toyota's Operations strategy how it deals with the miniaturization and production of these all components. Toyota has its competitors such as Suzuki who provides vehicles on comparatively low prices. Now Toyota requires a strong Supply chain to sustain its market. The aim of Toyota is to provide quality products. The company can use different techniques to differentiate its services as better through applying different strategies such as JIT (Just in time) and Supply-Chain Management. COMPETETIVE ELEMENTS OF Ikea: Ikea is a service providing company. It provides home based...If the organization is a manufacturer company, the competitive factors must be the products' components or parts used in manufacturing or preparation of the item/product. Whereas the competitive factors of a service providing company are clearly the elements included in their service. These components may be: These factors play vital role in the business of any company. If a company simply considers these components and focus to improve these areas, reputation and goodwill of the company will take a breakthrough obviously. These are the components are the basic components that affect the performance of the vehicles manufactured by Toyota. These 13 parts can be different for different types of vehicles. It is Toyota's Operations strategy how it deals with the miniaturization and production of these all components. Toyota has its competitors such as Suzuki who provides vehicles on comparatively low prices. Now Toyota requires a strong Supply chain to sustain its market. The aim of Toyota is to provide quality products. There can be many fundamental or key components of Ikea that are most important to be given special focus and attention. The aim and objective of Ikea is to provide their services all over the world. These components might be: "We've had an overriding philosophy in place that we want to produce our vehicles w

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Love(write can decide) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Love(write can decide) - Essay Example This definition means that certain people feel the need to associate with the other person. However, this definition is challengeable due to its confusion with lust. In defining love from this perspective, it is worth to provide a detailed explanation that two are considered in genuine emotional attraction if they show committed to each other and handle their feeling through conflicts of interests (Cobbs 9). Thus, it should be more understood as commitment to understand one deeply and show real care. This kind of love is evident in Powers’ book, when Zaki states â€Å"It seems that you are ninety-nine percent in love when she doesn’nt know one percent† (34). This means that it should not be left from the point of emotional attraction for it much define lust, the craving desire towards a self gratification, which extend to the need for having sex. For instance, when Powers states, â€Å"I have not made love to a man since I left Belgrade to years ago† (73), this shows that the love in question is sexual involvement. Some scholars define love as how happily we connect to one another. This definition includes sharing oneself to others. It thus contrasts from the previous since this definition argues that when people are gathered at a place without any sign of danger, love just happens. Centrally, when sign of danger appears, people tend to grab and secure their loved ones to secure them from the danger (Ram 27). When it comes to assisting the loved one, assistance has no limit as one offers the best assistance ever. However, this definition lacks base for argument since the connection created among people has a reason. In fact, either of them or both have the interest to benefit from each other. As such, these people are not connected from love but a certain motive. Love has also been defined as the desire to help loved ones. In this definition, scholars believe that the desire happens without any instruction or a rule is a sign of love . This natural way of responding to people’s needs and rescue especially in the event of danger puts one at risk and may even die in the process (Boros 23). From this definition, it is evident that love makes one form brave decisions regarding assisting others, for example, in a fire event, a mother would throw herself in the middle of ablaze to rescue a child. At this moment, she does not care about the risk but the welfare of the baby. When love is between two people, it depends on how well interpersonal attraction is embraced and portrayed. Love is shown by the strength of emotional attachment one has towards others. The statement that love is kind may not be valid all round especially when it comes to affection between lovers. Among lovers, love is portrayed as selfish since a partner puts the other under restrictions, which may make life difficult for the person involved. This is because people are different and their interests are diverse so one thing may favor one part ner and discourage others (Wages 27). From personal understanding, love is characterized by positive traits like forgiveness. More often than not, people and even nations offend each other due to differences in their personal attributes, difference in the environment exposure, education level, and religion (Ram 5). Some people are keen and very petty and will feel offended when the expectations are cut short while outgoing people talk much

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Masaccio, The Holy Trinity, 1425, fresco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Masaccio, The Holy Trinity, 1425, fresco - Essay Example In this regard, Masaccio succinctly employed the illusionistic property of the linear perspective. Incidentally, the painting portrays a chapel with a resonant interior that give the impression of opening up to the viewer. In the interior, there are Ionic columns, barrel-vault top, and Corinthian pilasters. At the center is the crucified representation of Jesus Christ as he is viewed above by the Holy Spirit and God, an on either side is the Virgin Mary and the evangelist John. All the depictions in the painting, except for that of God, have individually covered a three dimensional space. Furthermore, Masaccio painted life-size and realistic impression of Domenic Lenzi and his wife in the front part of the pillars that act as an entrance to the chapel. The entire chapel and its residents portray a trompe l’oeil effect that provided the perfect evidence on the application of realistic depth within a flat painting. The meaning derived from the Holy Trinity is that everlasting li fe can only be achieved through the power of prayer as represented by the praying donors, and through intercession of holy paintings as depicted by Saint John and the Virgin Mary, and a staunch belief in Jesus Christ. In conclusion, The Holy Trinity is the perfect example of early Renaissance art that synthesizes religion, Biblical art and science. It equally portrays faith as a mystery and the perfection inherent in God through dignity in human nature and classical

Friday, October 4, 2019

This I Believe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

This I Believe - Essay Example According to (2010), the number of people whose first language is Chinese, when investigated in all countries of the world was discovered to be 874000000 while the inclusion of Chinese language speakers, for whom Chinese is the second language makes it 1052000000. This is in contrast with the statistics for the number of English speakers since English is largely considered as the first language all over the world. (2010) records that population of first-language-English speakers is currently 341000000, which becomes 508000000 when people for whom English is not the mother language are included in it. What further exaggerates the matter is the fact that the statistics mentioned in this paper have been recorded for one particular dialect of Chinese language where there are many more in reality. The large number of Chinese speakers is fundamentally because of the ever growing and expanding Chinese population. China has grown in literacy rate over the past few decades, though Chinese nation had always been ahead in various fields of art, intelligence and technical knowledge. Today, Chinese students make a significant portion of the total number of international students enrolled in foreign reputable universities particularly in the most scientifically and technologically advanced countries. This is in addition to the fact that the innumerable Chinese universities within China are already equipped with Chinese students. The large international Chinese students make others feel a need to learn Chinese in order to be able to interact with them. Chinese prefer to communicate with the foreigners in Chinese language unlike many other nations. Although English is taught as a second language in a lot of Chinese schools in the present age, yet Chinese prefer to stick to their first language as all legal, political and cultural